If you are wondering why your dog is barking excessively or whether it is barking at all, you might be feeling overwhelmed and worried about how your dog is acting. If you want to stop your dog from barking excessively, but you have no idea how to begin to stop this habit, then you are in luck. There are many helpful tips that you can learn to stop this annoying habit from your dog quickly and effectively. Here are some helpful dog behavior training tips that you can put into action today to change your dog's annoying behavior.
Body Language - You should start by understanding your dog's body language and learn to read it. Often, dogs show their displeasure or annoyance with their owners or other people when they are barking by showing their body language. When they hold their body erect, they are making a strong statement. Try teaching them to go outside or to release their hold of attention by relaxing a bit. Be sure to use praise and rewards in order to reinforce this behavior.
Ignore Their Barking - If you have taught your dog to bark, but it still continues to annoy you, then you will need to focus on reinforcing his positive behavior rather than focusing on eliminating his negative behavior. Most dogs bark out of boredom and if you keep him engaged in his activities and provide him with plenty of attention, he will stop barking. You should also take a moment to redirect your dog's behavior when he is barking at other dogs. Most dogs bark because they are defending their owners or their territory.
Ignore the Excitement Barking Demand - If your dog is barking is often due to excitement or territorial barking, then you should consider trying a new training method to eliminate these behaviors. Sometimes, simply removing a toy or a treat will cause the dog to be excited instead of reactive. In addition, your pet will become less frustrated when he or she receives a different toy or treat. You can find many helpful products on the market that can be used to provide your dog with additional distractions while you are training or providing training exercises.
Ignore the Non- Dominant Response - Sometimes dogs are barking as a response to a perceived slight physical threat. You can help prevent them from becoming overly fearful by responding in a more dominant manner. You should always stand firm with a non-aggressive dog and ignore the non-aggressive demand. This will help to eliminate the non-aversive response. You can also provide your dog with additional distractions to alleviate his or her desire to defend himself or herself.
Use a Dog Separation Anxiety Control System - If your dog starts barking too much while you are away, there are many different dog separation anxiety control systems that can be used to help with this issue. Many people have had success with using a crate to contain their pet during travel. You can also purchase a shock collar to discourage excessive barking. You should consult your vet for more information on these types of products.
Remain Calm and Speak Positively - If you ever get into a situation where you feel that your dog is aggressively demanding something, you should remain calm and speak positive words to your dog. You should never yell at your dog or tell it in a negative manner. You should always say "no" in a firm voice while reassuring your dog that you will not hurt it. Your dog should understand that you are not hurting it when you say these words. Your soothing voice and firm hand gesture should make it clear that you will not tolerate any excessive barking.
Watch For Dog Body Language - You should watch for any body language or behavior that suggests that your dog is feeling threatened. If your dog is sniffing or rubbing its face, it may be trying to relieve itself. When your dog starts to bark, it could be a sign that it is either tired or hungry. Dogs need to be let to rest and eat if they are hungry, so try to offer a treat just as soon as your dog wakes up.
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